[Insight-users] Help with ITK software
Thimmaiah, Sandhya
sthimmaiah at neurosurgery . wayne . edu
Fri, 22 Aug 2003 09:35:45 -0400
I am new to this ITK software. I have installed the software.I need help in
running a single project like BilateralImageFilter.exe . It gives me
C:\Insight ToolKit\BITK\Examples\Filtering\Debug\BilateralImageFilter.exe
ImageFile outputImageFile domainSigma rangeSigma
Press any key to continue
If I am doing something wrong I don't know.I have build the itk workspace as
told in software guide. when I execute BilateralImageFilter.exe it gives me
the above statement. Can you guide me through this. I am using itk software
to read and display just the DICOM images. Can you tell the files I need to
read and display DICOM images.Thank you