[Insight-users] Interpolate covariant vector values

h.huisman@rad.umcn.nl h.huisman@rad.umcn.nl
Wed, 23 Oct 2002 17:24:08 +0200 (CEST)


Would like to interpolate in between gradient vectors that are of the 
itkCovariantVector type. Unfortunately,  VectorInterpolateImageFunction
does not accept this type. Somebody has a solution?


H.J. Huisman, PhD, MSEE       E : h.huisman@rad.umcn.nl
Biomedical Physicist          T : +31 24 3617536/14545
Dept. Radiology               F : +31 24 3540866
UMC St. Radboud               S : 430 Radiologie/POBox 9101/
                                  6500HB Nijmegen/Netherlands