[Insight-users] AntiAliasBinaryImageFilter - ViewOutputVTK prob

anast.jm@pg.com anast.jm@pg.com
Thu, 17 Oct 2002 17:41:58 -0400

In the example, the ViewOutputVTK.tcl script seems to be missing a "package
require vtk"  to get it to run (at least on my system).

In addition I'm using vtk4.1.1 of 9/3/2002 (r1.1326) and the script
ViewOutputVTK4.1.1.tcl gives the following error.

vtkTkRenderWidget Unknown option: GetImageViewer
Try: configure or GetRenderWindow
while executing
"$vtkiw GetImageViewer"
(procedure "::vtk::bind_tk_imageviewr_widget" line 3)

I'm not real familiar with the TKRenderWidgets so this is just a heads up....the
non-vtk4.1.1 version works fine
