[Insight-users] fixes for Borland build of /Auxiliary

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez@kitware.com
Tue, 01 Oct 2002 17:12:30 -0400


1) The Win3D declaration  was added to the CMakeLists.txt file
    in Auxiliary/FltkImageViewer.

2)  The anonymous enums were also fixed.

3)  The "using  namespace itk" is pending. Could you please
      give us more details on this error ?




dean.inglis@on.aibn.com wrote:

>fixed the WINGDIAPI pb seen on
>and was also present on my Borland release build.
>>>>1) /Auxiliary/CMakeLists.txt - add     IF (WIN32)
>>>>   ENDIF (WIN32)
>>This should not be needed.   What is the problem here?
>As far as the using namespace itk: it worked,
>but I just tried the full ::itk in the class 
>declaration without 'using namespace itk' and
>that works also.