[Insight-users] installation problem
Ofri Sadowsky
Thu, 21 Nov 2002 11:51:35 -0500
Hi Luis,
Should I understand from this message that whenever I create a ITK using
project I should write a CMakeLists for it? I mean, I could copy one from the
Examples directory and revise it, but the essential thing is that there
should be a CMakeLists file for every itk project.
Luis Ibanez wrote:
> Hi imho,
> You certainly can configure manually your project
> from the IDE of VisualC++ but...
> it will be pretty painful to get it right.
> Using CMake is the most efficient way to do it.
> One of the remarkable reasons for using CMake to
> configure your project is that otherwise it will
> result almost impossible to move your project to
> another computer in the future since all the
> paths are handwriten in the VC++ GUI. You may
> have already verified how fun it is to browse on
> the tiny textbox in Project/Settings looking for
> a directory among a list of 20 or 30 others... :-)
> CMake will use your CMakeLists.txt file and generate
> a consistent .dsw workspace for VisualC++. ( and
> remember to refrain yourself for making any changes
> in this workspace. since it is generated, any changes
> should be made on the CMakeLists.txt file and then
> rerun CMake)
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