[Insight-users] New ITK segmentation software

Joshua Cates cates at sci . utah . edu
Sun, 28 Jul 2002 19:25:43 -0600 (MDT)

Hello everyone,

I have checked a new example application into the Insight repository
under Examples/SegmentationEditor.  The SegmentationEditor is an
interactive tool developed in ITK and VTK for semi-automated segmentation
of image volumes. This is an expanded version of the software we (U of
Utah) demonstrated at the June Insight developers meeting in Boston.

As described in http://www.itk.org/HTML/SegmentationEditor.html:

`The SE tool is a special editor which allows you to construct a labeled
image using the output from the Insight watershed segmentation algorithm.
Hand labeling of images is also supported. The goal of the software is to
combine human interaction with automated image processing techniques to
produce a better result than either technique can give on its own.'

Directions for building/running the code can be found in

Let me know of any problems building or running this software.


 Josh Cates
 School of Computer Science
 University of Utah
 Email: cates@sci.utah.edu
 Phone: (801) 587-7697
 URL:   www.cs.utk.edu/~cates