[Insight-users] about MIThinPlateSplineRegistrator

zhangzhijun zjzhang at ee . cuhk . edu . hk
Wed, 10 Jul 2002 23:47:05 +0800

Dear Luis:
         I want to put the TPS, EBS and VS transformation into the
multi-modal registration frame work
it is implemented following the 3 steps--- transform, similarity metric and
optimization, now since the
example of MIThinplatesplineRegistrator is not complete, I think I need do
the following work:
 1. Add an Initialization of the parameters for the TPS, in my case I want
to register two
2D image of 181*217 dimensions, I choose totally 10*11 landmarks for
calculating of the TPS parameters,
After I calculate the W matrix, the itkKernelTransformation reorgnized the
Wmatrix into three part but the
3 matrix members are all protected member, I find I can't have access to it.
I want to set the 226 parameters
and then use optimization method to do the optimization.
 2  also I don't know how the deviation in the itk is implemented and what's
the order for these 226 parameters.
because I need do an steepest descent optimization, so the order of every
parameter should follow some convention,
I don't know what is it.

zhang zhijun