[Insight-users] How to start an example

Bill Lorensen wlorens1@nycap.rr.com
Tue, 26 Feb 2002 19:13:42 -0500

You must run cmakesetup. It is a Windows application that will let you set the parameters you mentioned.


At 07:06 PM 2/26/02 +0000, Qiu Wu wrote:

> I want to test MRIBiasCorrection example,
>I tell CMake the source code is in:
>the output binaries are in :
>There is one README file which contains the following instruction:
>"Before compile the utilities in this example, you have to turn on the
>BUILD_UNSUPPORTED option and BUILD_EXAMPLE option which you can find
>in the CMakeList.txt file in the root of the Insight source
>Then, turn on the BUILD_MRI_BIAS_CORRECTION option in the
>CMakeLists.txt file in the Insight/Example directory."
>My question is how to turn on BUILD_UNSUPPORTED and BUILD_EXAMPLE option,
>I can't find those two options in C:\MyDir\Insight\CMakeLists.txt
>thanks for your answer.
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