[Insight-users] ITK and OSX

Jon Harald Kaspersen Jon.H.Kaspersen@unimed.sintef.no
Tue, 26 Feb 2002 07:42:52 +0100

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Bill Hoffman is correct in that there are several, some yet unsolved, 
problems with building ITK on OSX.  The exact one you describe is an 
Apple bug (or mistake), they simply forgot to put the valarray headers 
in the distribution.  So, if you get the files and put the valarray 
header files in /usr/include/gcc/darwin/2.95.2/g++ you will hopefully 
get around the one problem you describe.
If you want I can mail you the valarray header files.
But, as Bill pointed out, this will not solve all the problems on OSX.


On Monday, February 25, 2002, at 11:39 PM, Robb Brown wrote:

> I convinced ITK to compile on OSX without the examples.  Trying to 
> build the examples though, gives an error:
> Insight/Code/Common/itkSliceIterator.h:22: valarray: No such file or 
> directory
> when compiling the MIregistration example.  Sure enough, the compiler 
> can't find valarray.h.  What is it?
> -- ______________________________
> Robb Brown
> Seaman Family MR Research Centre
> Calgary, Alberta, Canada
> _______________________________________________
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Jon Harald Kaspersen			Tel: 		+47 73 59 75 89
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering		Mob:		+47 93 03 65 90
Senior Scientist				Pager	+47 96 84 29 94
SINTEF Unimed - Ultralyd		Fax: 		+47 73 59 78 73
N-7465 Trondheim
NORWAY			e-mail:	Jon.H.Kaspersen@unimed.sintef.no
				WEB:	http://www.us.unimed.sintef.no/

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Bill Hoffman is correct in that there are several, some yet unsolved,
problems with building ITK on OSX.  The exact one you describe is an
Apple bug (or mistake), they simply forgot to put the valarray headers
in the distribution.  So, if you get the files and put the valarray
header files in /usr/include/gcc/darwin/2.95.2/g++ you will hopefully
get around the one problem you describe.

If you want I can mail you the valarray header files.

But, as Bill pointed out, this will not solve all the problems on OSX.



On Monday, February 25, 2002, at 11:39 PM, Robb Brown wrote:


I convinced ITK to compile on OSX without the examples.  Trying to
build the examples though, gives an error:

Insight/Code/Common/itkSliceIterator.h:22: valarray: No such file or

when compiling the MIregistration example.  Sure enough, the compiler
can't find valarray.h.  What is it?

-- ______________________________

Robb Brown

Seaman Family MR Research Centre

Calgary, Alberta, Canada


Insight-users mailing list




Jon Harald Kaspersen			Tel: 		+47 73 59 75 89

Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering		Mob:		+47 93 03 65 90

Senior Scientist				Pager	+47 96 84 29 94

SINTEF Unimed - Ultralyd		Fax: 		+47 73 59 78 73

N-7465 Trondheim

NORWAY			e-mail:	Jon.H.Kaspersen@unimed.sintef.no

				WEB:	<underline><color><param>1A1A,1A1A,FFFF</param>http://www.us.unimed.sintef.no/</color></underline>
