[Insight-users] Re: Insensity value question
Luis Ibanez
luis . ibanez at kitware . com
Wed, 21 Aug 2002 14:24:30 -0400
Hi Buu,
Your interpretation of the min/max is correct.
However this is done for display purpouses only.
That is, when you change values with the sliders,
only the slice on the buffer is renormalized for
display. The actual itkImage is not modified.
If you want to threshold images it may be better
to use:
You may also want to consider the linear rescaling of
image intensities with :
or the linear ShiftScale operation:
Buu Tien Phan wrote:
> Dear Dr. Ibanez,
> After displaying image in subwindows, I am doing thresholding this
> image. I have a question about
> max and min intensity window value. After normalizing the image, the
> range of intensity values is from
> 0 to 255.
> With my understanding, the max intensity value means that all of
> intensinty values that are above this value
> will be set to 255. The same as the min intensity value, all of
> intensity values that are below this min value will be
> set to 0. I am correct?
> If I understand the above correctly, then I can use the min and max
> intensity values to do thresholding the image.
> Could you please verify this?. Thank you so much for your help.
> Buu Phan