[ITK-dev] ITK Software Guide

Celina Imielinska celina_imielinska at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 27 13:42:33 EDT 2018

Dear All
(I have emailed separately Bill Schroeder at Kitware)
I am very happy that ITK Toolkit has been thriving over so many years. Kitware has done amazing job to maintain it and to expand it.
Still, I am trying to contact the main co-authors of the currect ITK Software Guide.
I am writing about the usage of "Voronoi Region" terminology in the recent editions of the ITK Software guide - that is very odd and not in agreement with how Voronoi Diagram, that is one of the fundamental geometric structures, is defined:https://www.cs.ucsb.edu/~suri/cs235/Voronoi.pdf

Could you please email me -  I would like to suggest that if we want to use as "geometrical concepts associated with the ITK image" "Voronoi region" in a form what I consider a degenerative representation of  it - then maybe it would be wise to name it differently. Not to mention the usage of another oddity:  Delaunay Region - what is it? Voronoi Diagram and its dual, Delaunay Triangulation are classic geometric constructs that require that the points, in the Voronoi diagram, the Voronoi points, satisfy:
"Non-degeneracy Condition: Assume no 4 cocircular points, and no 3 collinear."
This is violated in the construct included in the Guide and referred to as Voronoi Region and Delaunay Region.
I don't mind that the guide is not including any more my  original hybrid segmentation contribution that included Voronoi Diagram classification https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/27299860.pdfI woudl like to ask you to discuss what can be done with possibly correctingthe odd terminology,
looking forward to hear from 
Best Regards,
Celina Imielinska
Celina Imielinska, PhDPrincipalVesalius Technologies LLCPrinceton NJcelina_imielinska at yahoo.com609 240 4721
PS. old version http://www.sci.utah.edu/publications/ibanez03/ItkSoftwareGuide.pdf       newest https://itk.org/ItkSoftwareGuide.pdf
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