[ITK-dev] [ITK-users] [ANN] ITK 4.9 Release Candidate 1 is ready for testing!

Matt McCormick matt.mccormick at kitware.com
Fri Dec 4 17:34:33 EST 2015

Hi Simon.

Apologies I haven't been able to put much time into this, ran into some
> interesting challenges with VS2015 itself (at least in my configuration)
> hanging permanently when changing from debug to release mode, or vice
> versa.  It seems the generated project files are a bit of a challenge for
> it.

Yes, Visual Studio has difficulty with large projects that have many build
targets. With the 4.9 release, we addressed the behavior a bit by reducing
the number of header tests and by turning BUILD_EXAMPLES OFF by default.

By setting ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES to OFF, responsiveness can be improved
when focusing on development of a subset of modules.

> At any rate, I have narrowed down part of the issue at least to being not
> in the interpolate filter itself, but rather in the test driver code ...
> somewhere in the nested loops incrementing the underlying array elements is
> behaving incorrectly in release mode.  I'll try and have  a closer look
> this weekend.

 Thanks for taking a look at this!

In the past, we ran into some issues with Visual Studio in Release mode
where adding const or using a reference for the returned type avoided a
faulty optimization. Bug reports to upstream Visual Studio have also helped
resolve the issue in some cases, too.

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