[Insight-developers] Timeout in ITK Dahboard build - itkBSplineImageRegistrationTest

David Cole dlrdave at aol.com
Tue Jan 21 08:28:09 EST 2014

This Debug build's test results:


when sorted by the time column, still shows the worst offenders in ITK 
in terms of Debug tests taking too long. (There are nearly 20 tests 
that take longer than 3 minutes each.)

The itkBSplineImageRegistrationTest is only the 4th worst. There are 3 
tests that take *HOURS* to run on this dashboard, this one completes in 
a mere 20 minutes.

I fully support changing this test to make it run at least 5x 
(hopefully even 10 or 20x) faster.

I would also really like to see the 
itkFastMarchingImageFilterTest_wm_multipleSeeds_* tests speed up.... 
although they need more like a 100x speed up to make them 

Also, once a test is known to be long running, I really think it should 
be marked as such in the CMakeLists files of the project, using the 
TIMEOUT test property to indicate how long it is expected to take.


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