[Insight-developers] A Contrib group?

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Thu Jan 16 10:38:27 EST 2014

On 01/16/2014 10:18 AM, Bradley Lowekamp wrote:
> these contributed modules are not reviewable in gerrit, are no
> automatically tested in gerrit, and are not tested in the dashboard.

That is a limitation of the review/testing infrastructure that should
be overcome by technical means rather than worked around with means
known to fail in the past.  Just look back at the Review directory
prior to modularization.  It was huge and barely maintained.

> Additionally, the other other goal it to have users have sense of ownership
> and responsibility for the code contributed and reduce the limited
> maintenance resources.

How does labeling something "contrib" (a second-class designation) give
a contributor a sense of acceptance into the community?  We should
encourage contributors to maintain their work as first-class

> Also, everyone things there code is great and thinks it should get into ITK.
> With the current nebulous Community lead approach no direction or editorial
> leadership can occur.

This is a problem best solved by refining the governance model.

-Brad K

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