[Insight-developers] Spaces in filenames for metaImage regular expression

Padfield, Dirk R (GE Global Research) padfield at research.ge.com
Wed Nov 21 14:10:19 EST 2012

Hi ITK Developers,

I want to gather your thoughts before submitting a patch.  I frequently read lists of 2D images into ITK as a volume, and I use metaImage .mhd files to specify the header information.  Unfortunately, my code needs to handle images that have spaces in the names, and this doesn't currently work with the regular expression functionality in metaImage.  I end up having to use "LIST" instead, but this becomes cumbersome.  So I modified the code of Modules\ThirdParty\MetaIO\src\MetaIO\metaUtils.cxx slightly to handle file names surrounded by double quotes.  Before the "MET_StringToWordArray" parsed words based only on spaces, but now if it sees a double quote it ignores spaces until it sees the next double quote.  Surrounding the filename with quotes is consistent with how executables handle file names with spaces.

For example, to read the first 90 slices of a series, I can now do this:
ElementDataFile = "B - 2(fld 1 z %02d).tif" 1 90 1

My question is: does anyone see any problem with making such a change?  I just wanted to gather some feedback before submitting the patch.

Also, if anyone wants me to add them as a reviewer to the patch, please let me know.

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