No subject

Wed May 9 12:08:04 EDT 2012

The hackathon will take place on a Google+ Hangout. =A0I will follow up
with the link to the hangout on this email thread when we starts.

Issues to address:

* Issues in the Slicer bug tracker with the ITKv4 tag:
* Test Slicer/ITKv4 on all platforms, especially 64bit VS2008.
* Look into reducing the number of ITK Modules enabled when building
Slicer modules to reduce load time on Windows
* Test packaging

If there are other issues to address, please report them in the Slicer
bug tracker and reply to this thread.

Work will occur on the following repository on Github. =A0Instructions
can be found in the top level README.txt of the repository


Please mark your calendars! =A0Looking forward to working with you!

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