[Insight-developers] ATTN: Entering release candidate cycle for ITK 4.2

Bradley Lowekamp blowekamp at mail.nih.gov
Wed May 30 10:07:04 EDT 2012


We have entered the Release Candidate cycle for ITK 4.2.

This means that we are entering a feature freeze for the ITK repository until ITK 4.2 is tagged at the end of June. 

So there should be no topics which are enhancements, new features or for performance ( ENH, or PERF ) merged.

The goal of this is to all time for developers to clean up errors on the dashboard, improve coverage, and documentation. Along with when the release candidates are made allow time for users to test the potential new release to ensure that there are no regressions, or unnoticed critical bugs. Additionally, there needs to be time for WrapITK and SimpleITK to polish up their wrapping while the code is not changing.

For example it would be great if some of these failing tests could be addressed:

Additionally, I would like to pose the challenge to the ITK community to raise the level of converge 1% from 83.49 to 84.5% which would require ~1200 more line of code to be tested.

Currently the committers to the repository are not restricted. We hope that are developers will be responsible and addible by the above policy.


Bradley Lowekamp  
Medical Science and Computing for
Office of High Performance Computing and Communications
National Library of Medicine 
blowekamp at mail.nih.gov

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