[Insight-developers] [Announcement] ITK 4.1.0 has been released!

Matt McCormick matt.mccormick at kitware.com
Mon Mar 5 15:45:45 EST 2012

We are happy to announce the release of the InsightToolkit 4.1.0!
Download links can be found at:


This release is the first since ITK 4.0.0 and includes a number of bug
fixes and new features.  Related to the transition to Git, it also is
the first release to deviate from the even-only minor
release number.

Notable changes:

-  A plethora of bug fixes.
-  VTK Bridge support improved -- currently requires VTK Git master.
-  A number of improvements to the Registrationv4 framework.
-  A new TimeVaryingBSplineVelocityFieldTransform.
-  New Deconvolution filtering module with a number of classes.
-  Performance improvements to the LevelSetsv4 framework.
-  Better WrapITK support.
-  A new video filtering module that includes a method to use standard
filters in a video pipeline.

Some performance regressions were identified that were related to the
use of GetInput() and GetOutput() in the inner loop of a filter.  If
you find similar behavior, please report it to the mailing list and
issue tracker.

On the compiler front, Clang support continues to improve.  Issues
have been identified with parallel Visual Studio 10 builds.  It
appears that Visual Studio 10 has difficulty handling the many
projects that result when BUILD_TESTING and BUILD_EXAMPLES are ON.
The current workaround is to set

 Tools>Options>Projects and Solutions>Build and Run>Maximum number of
parallel project builds


InsightApplications (from the ITKApps repository) has also seen a
number of updates to ITKv4, mostly thanks to the work of Bill Lorenson
and Arnaud Gelas.  When building InsightApplications, it is
recommended to use the “superbuild” by pointing CMake to the directory


as the target source directory.

New contributors with merged patches include

- Andriy Kot
- Felix Morency

In the upcoming 4.2 release, we will actively re-engage the community
and will be seeking out new contributors.

A list of commits since v4.1rc04 follows:

Bill Lorensen (1):
     BUG: CPack was not set up propery for ITKv4

Bradley Lowekamp (12):
     BUG: Adding tolerance to the VectorThreshold level-set test
     COMP: Address warnings in PreWarpTest
     BUG: Adding tolerance to ThresholdSegmentationLevelSetWhiteMatterTest
     COMP: attributes don't do anything in forward declarations
     COMP: fix warning of signed unsigned comparison
     BUG: Adjust intensity tolerance for SimpleImageRegistrationTest
     COMP: Use SizeValueType for indexing in Neighborhoods
     ENH: adding additional dart metric for image error statistics
     BUG: Corretly choose best baseline for difference image
     COMP: Fix warning in BalloonForceFilte about vd being unintialized
     BUG: prevent divide by zero in computing mean
     BUG: Set the number of components-per-pixel for SeriesReader

Cory Quammen (1):
     DOC: Fixed indices in pad image filter diagrams

Gaëtan Lehmann (1):
     COMP: fix missing vtkImagingPythonD lib link

Matthew McCormick (2):
     BUG: Add TimeVaryingBSplineVelocityFieldTransform to wrapping exclusion.
     COMP: Warn about VisualStudio parallel build issues.

Michael Stauffer (2):
     BUG: Rename and fix v4 Demons metric to MeansSquares
     BUG: yet still more debugging for itkSimpleImageRegistrationTest

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