[Insight-developers] Cancelling Tag for today due to UnacceptableDashboard Status

M Stauffer -V- mstauff at verizon.net
Mon Jan 30 15:22:11 EST 2012

1) I fixed the problem with itkTimeVaryingBSplineVelocityFieldImageRegistrationTest. It was my mistake, to leave an assert in place and not test in debug build:
 <http://review.source.kitware.com/#/c/3772/> http://review.source.kitware.com/#/c/3772/
2) I'm disucssing with Nick what to do about itkTimeVaryingBSplineVelocityFieldImageRegistrationTest. It's timing out on a number of machines. Note however that MacOSX-WrapITK is failing with an error, "Failed to start (BAD_COMMAND)".

3) I'll handle itkSimpleImageRegistrationTest. One site is returning Completion Status of "Completed (ILLEGAL)". What does that mean? (http://www.cdash.org/CDash/testDetails.php?test=132953889 <http://www.cdash.org/CDash/testDetails.php?test=132953889&build=1960294> &build=1960294)
4) I'll handle the warnings regarding Metricsv4 and itkMultiStartOptimizerv4.
5) I'll handle the valgrind issues, which are all related to v4 registration.


From: insight-developers-bounces at itk.org [mailto:insight-developers-bounces at itk.org] On Behalf Of Luis Ibanez
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2012 2:14 PM
To: Insight Developers
Cc: Terry Yoo
Subject: [Insight-developers] Cancelling Tag for today due to UnacceptableDashboard Status

The sad current status of the Dashboard forces us to�� 
cancel��the tagging that we had scheduled for today.

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