[Insight-developers] DICOM weekly update - 2012 Edition !

Alexandre GOUAILLARD agouaillard at gmail.com
Sun Jan 1 23:34:51 EST 2012

Dear all,

FIrst of, happy new year to you all. May 2012 be ITK v4 year (among
other good things).

NAMIC week is one week ahead, let me give you some news on DICOM.

DCMTKImageIO has been enhanced to support compressed images.
ReadImageInformation can now check for transfer syntax. The layout is
reading for all syntax that DCMTK supports, but only JPEG is
implemented right now, as we don t have test currently for images
compressed with anything else (free DCMTK supports JPEG-LS for
ImageIO specific tests have been replicated for DCMTK and now DCMTK
handles all the (single) images that GDCM does. All non-ImageIO
specific tests (*ImageFile*) pass, but It's very possible that the
factory mechanism picks GDCMImageIOFactory first, so it s not
conclusive. I'm yet to find how to either not register
GDMCImageIOFactory, or to change the order of factories for
DCMTKImageIOFactory to be tested first. I'll send a separate e-mail to
the list for that.

The big task for this week will be the ImageSeries reader, and start
attacking the writer, to have all functionalities in place for NAMIC
week to address the other tasks. There is still some minor tasks
(origin is not read consistently, ....) but those are not stopping us
from moving forward to NAMIC objectives.

On a side note, the GDCM tests do not validate the output image (by
using ImageCOmpare and a baseline) right now. Right now i m checking
manually if the images are the same, but it would be necessary to
implement the --compare option for those tests.

Have a great week.

Alex & Drew.

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