[Insight-developers] Important Reminder: Only merge bug fixes

Bill Lorensen bill.lorensen at gmail.com
Tue Feb 14 15:39:04 EST 2012

I'm repeating Matt McCormick's Feb 7 e-mail.

A quick summary for those that missed the Friday TCons on the release
candidate software process:

The repository is now open for merging for the next RC.  We will have
weekly RC tag's as required before the release.

Please merge bug fixes during the beginning of the week.  On Wednesday
night when the dashboard builds start, the repository will be frozen.
Thursday, dashboard fixes can be merged by sending a request to
gate-keepers.  When the dashboard looks good on Friday, we will tag
and unfreeze the repository.

Please keep a vigilant eye on the dashboard, and try to fix any bugs it finds.

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