[Insight-developers] ITKv4 Release Candidate 2 (v4.0rc02) tagged.

Matt McCormick matt.mccormick at kitware.com
Mon Nov 14 11:12:59 EST 2011

The ITKv4 release candidate 2 has been tagged, and is available for
testing.  To obtain the source code,

 git clone http://itk.org/ITK.git
 cd ITK
 git checkout -q --detach v4.0rc02

For more details, please see


Testing and feedback are encouraged.  Impressions or patches will help
improve the result as refinement and bug-fixes are made for the final

*Important note:*  Please do not expect backward compatibility with
these release candidates.  The API may still undergo changes as
improvements are made.

Release candidates will be tagged approximately every week, provided
that the software quality dashboard is in decent shape


Please include the tag name used when providing feedback.

A list of changes since RC 1 follows:

Arnaud Gelas (8):
      ENH: Refactor code for the visualization of layers in sparse methods
      COMP: fix compilation errors on snapper (missing includes)
      ENH: Add command class to be able to visualize level-set durin evolution
      ENH: TPS class to convert a level set into vtkImageData
      ENH: Adding visualization of level set as elevation map
      DOC: fix doxygen warning QuadricDecimation
      ENH: Refactor BinaryImageToLevelSetImageAdaptor classes
      BUG: scalarbars were adding at each iteration in the visualization

Bill Lorensen (2):
      COMP: itkImageToImageObjectMetricTest valgrind defect
      COMP: Correct cmake error for large tiff test

Brad King (14):
      STYLE: Tell Git to skip .mailmap during export
      STYLE: Rename pre-commit-style with .bash suffix
      ENH: Refactor pre-commit .txx rejection logic
      ENH: Teach pre-commit to reject addition of submodules
      STYLE: Remove submodule remnants from developer setup
      COMP: Do not include ITKExternalData explicitly in FEM/test (again)
      ENH: Check in pre-commit that developer setup is up-to-date (ITK-140)
      ENH: Add release helper script SourceTarball.bash
      ENH: Teach SourceTarball to do multiple formats
      ENH: Teach SourceTarball to generate .tar.xz files with --txz
      ENH: Make SourceTarball quiet without --verbose
      ENH: Teach SourceTarball to generate output atomically
      KWSys: Remove trailing whitespace in SystemTools.cxx
      KWSys: Fix wrong spelling of __INTEL_COMPILER

Bradley Lowekamp (3):
      BUG: Fix a sun build missing uintmax_t
      ENH: adding GenerateImageSource base class
      BUG: There should not be a space contraint on Paste filter

Cory Quammen (2):
      BUG: Added output image template parameter to boundary conditions
      BUG: Added output image template parameter to boundary conditions

David Cole (2):
      BUG: Fix install rule variable name typos in ITKModuleMacros
      ENH: Export a variable from ITKConfig naming the targets file

Dirk Padfield (2):
      ENH: Filter to calculate normalized cross correlation using FFTs.
      ENH: Moved spatial NCC filter to Filtering/Convolution

Hans Johnson (14):
      COMP: Found bug when investigating comp warning
      STYLE: Remove commented out includes.
      COMP:  Intel compiler option settings.
      COMP: Force explicit integer conversion
      COMP: Fix incompatible format string conversion
      COMP: Remove external template designation from VNL
      COMP: Explicitly set public/static/const/virtual
      COMP:  Change Superclass to real Superclass.
      COMP: Check existance of variable is defined.
      COMP: Removed unreachable code.
      COMP: Code specific to 3 dims was specialized
      COMP: Avoid compiler warnings with parital specialization
      COMP: Shared library dependancies were missing
      COMP: Variable restored for debugging.

Luis Ibanez (1):
      ENH: Disabling test until bug is fixed.

Marta Peroni (1):
      BUG: ContourMeanDistance not taking spacing into account

Matthew McCormick (10):
      COMP: LevelSets visualization wrong header include.
      ENH: Move period counting to the LevelSet Command.
      ENH: Add level set visualization base class.
      COMP: Fix doxygen warnings.
      BUG: Update the LevelSet Elevation Viz to new base class.
      STYLE: Fix LevelSetIterationUpdateCommand style.
      ENH: LevelSets viz cleanup.
      ENH: Refactoring of LevelSet ElevationMap viz.
      ENH: mv SingleValuedHighDimensionalCostFunction to
      BUG: Fix Cells test evolution for Shi LevelSet.

Nick Tustison (3):
      ENH:  Registration method for time-varying velocity field transform.
      ENH:  Adding Hilbert path generation.
      COMP:  Compiler warnings re. parentheses.

Xiaoxiao Liu (1):
      BUG: Wrong variable name for OpenCV lib path.

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