[Insight-developers] Module dependency graph

Arnaud Gelas arnaud_gelas at hms.harvard.edu
Mon May 9 11:43:28 EDT 2011


if you go to the following page:

and you scroll down, you'll see the corresponding module dependencies.

I think this is already a good start to understand module dependencies  


On May 9, 2011, at 11:14 AM, David Doria wrote:

> Currently there seems to be a list of modules:
> http://www.itk.org/Doxygen/html/modules.html
> but no information about their dependencies. It would be nice to have
> a graph (just like the class inheritance diagrams) showing these
> dependencies. For example, I noticed that I can use something from
> ImageIntensity from ImageFeature and from ImageGradient, but I can't
> use something from ImageGradient from ImageIntensity. It would be nice
> to be able to see this visually.
> David
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