[Insight-developers] installing Qt with vs2010

john smith mkinsightdeveloper at gmail.com
Tue May 3 05:04:06 EDT 2011


I am using windows7 (64bit), with visual studio 2010 (SP3) and win32 command
prompt.I have download the source code for version Qt-4.7.2.I have unzipped
the source code in this directory *C:\Qt\source*,  and I have create a bin
file to take the results in this directory
*C:\Qt\bin. *In the command prompt opened by vs2010 I type:

*C:\Qt\source>configure -webkit -debug-and-release -nomake examples -nomake
demos -prefix

*And I get this* message: Unample to detect the platform from enviroment.
Use -platform command linearargument or set the QMAKESPEC enviroment
variable and run configure again

*What must I change in my writings, and how the command PATH is used?*
*If someone installed Qt recently I hope could help me*
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