[Insight-developers] Community Forum on Reproducible Research Policies : Vancouver - July 16 2011

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Wed Mar 16 19:11:36 EDT 2011


"Community Forum on Reproducible Research Policies"

Renaissance Hotel, Vancouver, BC
5:00 - 7:30pm, Saturday, July 16, 2011

This forum takes place on the final day of a
Workshop on Reproducible Research:

Tools and Strategies for Scientific Computing ,

and just before the start of ICIAM 2011,
which is also in Vancouver.

The forum is open to all interested members
of the scientific computing community.

Description of the forum

We are inviting a number of people from the editorial boards of journals,
leadership positions in professional societies, and program managers
from funding agencies. Our goal is to facilitate a discussion of issues
such as:

    * What is the meaning of "reproducible research" in computational science?
    * How is computational research best preserved?
    * What policies will encourage reproducibility?
    * What should journals require and/or provide to accompany
computational publications?
    * Should funding agencies support public databases for code and data?

There will be no registration fee, and in general
there is no financial support available for participants.

Please give an indication as soon as possible if you
anticipate coming on the registration page.

You may modify this and resubmit if your plans change.
At any rate, please register by May 1, 2011.

Registration is free,
but we need to know how many to expect.

Tentatively confirmed participants

    * Doug Arnold
    * Dhavide Aruliah
    * Marsha Berger
    * Petter Bjorstad
    * Ron Boisvert (outgoing EIC of TOMS)
    * Sue Brenner (SIAM VP for publications)
    * Donna Calhoun
    * Phil Colella
    * Tim Davis
    * Andrew Davison
    * Danny Goroff (Sloan Foundation)
    * Sergey Fomel
    * Juliana Freire
    * Mike Heroux (EIC of TOMS)
    * Bill Howe
    * Philip Guo
    * David Ketcheson
    * David Keyes
    * Matt Knepley
    * Randall LeVeque
    * Jarrod Millman
    * Ian Mitchell
    * Sorin Mitran
    * James Quirk
    * Claudio Silva
    * Victoria Stodden
    * Gretar Tryggvason (EIC of JCP)
    * Roger Peng
    * Tristan van Leeuwen
    * Marco Vianello
    * Hank Warchall (NSF DMS)

Some links on reproducible research

    * Many references can be found on the webpage for the Roundtable on
      "Data and Code Sharing in the Computational Sciences",
       hosted by the Information Society Project, Yale Law School,
       November 21, 2009.

    * Publication resulting from the Roundtable with some recommendations.

    * R. D. Peng, Reproducible research and Biostatistics,
Biostatistics 10 (2009), pp. 405-408. link

    * P.N. Schofield, et.al., Post-publication sharing of data and
tools, Nature 461 (2009), pp. 171-173 link

    * N. Barnes, Publish your computer code: it is good enough, Nature
467 (2010) p. 753. link

    * Z. Merali, Computational science: ...Error Why scientific
programming does not compute. Nature 467(2010), pp. 775-777. link

    * K. A. Baggerly and D. A. Berry, Reproducible Research, AMSTAT
NEWS, Jan. 1, 2011 link

    * S. Fomel and J. Claerbout "Reproducible Research", Guest
Editors' Introduction to a Special Issue of CiSE. link

    * NSF to require data management plan article ... Policy ... FAQ

    * J. Crowley, SIAM News article on digital data link


    * Randall J. LeVeque, Applied Math, U. Washington
    * Ian M. Mitchell, Computer Science, U. British Columbia
    * Victoria Stodden, Statistics, Columbia University


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