[Insight-developers] Bash shell prompt customization

Bill Lorensen bill.lorensen at gmail.com
Mon Sep 27 14:43:50 EDT 2010


I'm sure the experts already know this, but if you are using the bash
shell, you can customize the prompt to show which git branch is

Here is what I added to my ~/.bashrc file:

  git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/(\1)/'
export PS1="[\[\e[01;34m\]\W\[\e[31m\]\$(parse_git_branch)\[\e[00m\]]\[\e[00m\]

It shows up like this:
[ITKPersonal(gdcmWarnings)]  (with colors!)

There is a lot more you can add to the prompt (like username, host,
etc), but I like to keep mine short,


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