[Insight-developers] uncrustify git hook

Hans Johnson hans-johnson at uiowa.edu
Thu Sep 9 22:22:07 EDT 2010


Your change the the uncrustify configuration is going to cause changes to a
large portion of the code base.  This type of change may cause huge pushback
to the use of uncrustify if the style is changing a lot.  It could be
changed to ³ignore², and that way it will not cause files to changes.

-- personally, I disagree in your contention that it increases readability
or that it makes work with vim/emacs easier, but that is just one opinion,
and many needed to be vetted before such a change is put into place.

I don¹t have real strong feelings either way about the style, but I do have
VERY strong feelings about making evolutionary changes to the uncrustify
configuration one at a time.

The current proposal is to only run uncrustify on the code base before
releases.   At that point all the vetted and approved style changes can be
applied at once.


PS:  Thanks for starting to put together the optional git-hooks scripts for
this process.

PPS:  uncrustify still has a small set of bugs (discussed elsewhere) that
need to be fixed before it is too widely used or promoted.

On 9/9/10 4:10 PM, "Matthew McCormick (thewtex)" <matt at mmmccormick.com>

> Hi Hans, Brad, Luis, et al.,
> I drafted a git pre-commit hook to run uncrustify and KWStyle checks on
> changes to the code.
> uncrustify (uncrustify.sourceforge.net <http://uncrustify.sourceforge.net> )
> is applied to changed files prior to
> commit.
> To enable this behavior, set
>   git config hooks.uncrustify true
> By default, the behavior of git-mergetool is used to review the changes
> uncrustify makes before they are added to the commit.  For more information on
> this behavior, see
>  git help mergetool
> To disable review with mergetool
>   git config hooks.uncrustify.mergetool false
> All changes suggested by uncrustify will automatically be added to the
> commit (dangerous?).
> Hans, I took the uncrustify.conf from the wiki page here:
> http://www.itk.org/Wiki/ITKv4_StyleChangeProposal
> I made one modification:
> --- .git/hooks/uncrustify.conf 2010-09-09 15:40:13.000000000 -0500
> +++ /tmp/Uncrustify_itk.txt 2010-09-09 15:52:52.945218676 -0500
> @@ -388,7 +388,7 @@
>  sp_inside_fparens                        = remove   # ignore/add/remove/force
>  # Add or remove space inside function '(' and ')'
> -sp_inside_fparen                         = add   # ignore/add/remove/force
> +sp_inside_fparen                         = remove   # ignore/add/remove/force
>  # Add or remove space between ']' and '(' when part of a function call.
>  sp_square_fparen                         = remove   # ignore/add/remove/force
> @@ -1197,3 +1197,4 @@
>  #
>  # You can assign any keyword to any type with the set option.
>  # set func_call_user _ N_
> +
> I think this is more consistent with the codebase, increases readability, and
> it is easier to work with an advanced editor like emacs/vim.
> The KWStyle check on changed files is run by default.
> KWStyle is run on the changed files and the commit is aborted if the files do
> not pass the test.  A file similar to the original is saved with a '*.kws'
> extension so that line numbers referenced in the error message can be
> examined.
> The test is on by default.  To avoid running the KWStyle tests
>   git config hooks.KWStyle false
> The configuration file for KWStyle was taken from master at
> Utilities/KWStyle/ITK.kws.xml.in <http://ITK.kws.xml.in> .
> There is one problem I have encountered that I was unable to find a good
> solution too.  I use vimdiff as my mergetool, and it will complain about the
> input not being a terminal, then the terminal will be corrupt after completing
> the commit message.  As a workaround for now, 'reset' is called after running
> the mergetool in the script.  Googling suggests this can happen when running
> vim in a pipe, but I am not sure what is going on.  Any pointers would be
> appreciated.
> To give the hook a try,
> cd ${ITK_SOURCE}/.git/hooks
> git pull git://github.com/thewtex/ITK.git <http://github.com/thewtex/ITK.git>
> hooks_uncrustify
> cd ../..
> git config hooks.uncrustify true
> Matt

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