[Insight-developers] problem with iterator

Martin Waitzbauer mazzok at gmx.at
Thu Nov 18 10:37:00 EST 2010

Hi there, i think i have  aproblem with understanding the iterators orrectly

im oading a 3d dataset with 256(X)x256(Y)x124(Z)

I wanted to check if i was understanding the iterator behavior correctly by iterating throught al the slices
this can be done with
InputIteratorType it(input,input->GetLargestPossibleRegion());

since i want to acces the slies individually i tried
InputImageType::RegionType reg;
InputImageType::RegionType::SizeType size;
InputImageType::RegionType::IndexType index;
size[0] = 100;
size[1] = 100;
index[0] = 0;
index[1] = 0;
for(int j =0; j < Z_Depth;j++){
	index[2] = j;
	InputIteratorType it(input,reg);
	OutputIteratorType ot(output,reg);

so i wanted to cut out a 100x100 pieces beginning from (0,0) at each slice, and copy it to the output iterator
visual studio will give me an error on the initialitaion of InputIteratorType it(input,reg);
I couldnt find a way how to instantiate a 'null' InputIteraottype and fill if with the desired Region!
is there a way like the above that i can adress slice-individually iterators?

Thanks alot
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