[Insight-developers] converting a byu-based vtkPolyData to QuadEdgeMesh: SetCell() not successful...

Michel Audette michel.audette at kitware.com
Tue Jun 22 15:51:45 EDT 2010

Dear fellow developers,

here at NAMIC Summer Project Week, my collaborator and I are finding that
trying to read in a vtkPolyData from a BYU file, and converting it to an
itk::QuadEdgeMesh based on vtkPolyDataToitkQuadEdgeMesh.cxx taken from
InsightApplication, we don't get a pointer from GetCell() thereafter.

There seems to be logic missing in itk::QuadEdgeMesh::SetCell() that would
enable us to complete the conversion successfully.

Best wishes,


Michel Audette, Ph.D.
R & D Engineer,
Kitware Inc.,
Chapel Hill, N.C.
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