[Insight-developers] MRCImageIO & Visual Studio 6.0

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Mon Jun 14 13:11:24 EDT 2010


Hi Brad,

Visual Studio 6.0 seems to be having trouble with
the template instantiations from itkMRCImageIO:


Tests\InsightContinuous\Code\Review\itkMRCImageIO.cxx(516) : error
C2893: Failed to specialize function template 'void __thiscall
itk::Local::MRCImageIO::UpdateHeaderWithMinMaxMean(const TPixelType


        With the following template arguments:
        'unsigned char'

I believe that VS6 can't resolve templated functions
just based on the type of the function argument.

Options to consider are:

A)  instantiating it as:

        f<T>( T arg )


B)  Making that function to be a
    templated method member of a class.

Do you have any preferences between these two options ?
(or maybe other options...?)


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