[Insight-developers] Inventory of ITK Expected builds (RogueResearch)

Sean McBride sean at rogue-research.com
Tue Jan 26 10:40:53 EST 2010

On 1/26/10 10:31 AM, Luis Ibanez said:

>We are reviewing the list of expected builds in
>the ITK Dashboard and see that the following
>builds have been missing for several days:
>RogueResearch3    Mac10.5-InsightReview-gcc-dbg-ppc64
>RogueResearch3    Mac10.5-InsightReview-gcc-dbg-ppc
>(missing for 5 days and 4 days respectively).
>Do you anticipate that they will come back online ?
>or, should we remove them from the list of Expected
>builds ?

I noticed yesterday that they were missing, but thought it was due to
the cdash upgrade.  But I just checked the machine and it was in need of
a reboot. :(  It's building now...

Sean McBride, B. Eng                 sean at rogue-research.com
Rogue Research                        www.rogue-research.com 
Mac Software Developer              Montréal, Québec, Canada

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