[Insight-developers] Disable concept checking for a specific file?

Gaëtan Lehmann gaetan.lehmann at jouy.inra.fr
Fri Dec 31 15:18:13 EST 2010

Hi Dan,

Le 31 déc. 10 à 16:12, Dan Mueller a écrit :

> Hi Luis,
>> Could you please elaborate ?
> I was trying to avoid elaborating on the use case because it gets
> quite complicated. Oh well, here goes...
> There are a number of classes whose concept checking I wish to
> suppress, including:
>    itk::AndImageFilter (checks for integer pixel type)
>    itk::OrImageFilter (checks for integer pixel type)
>    etc...
> The concept checks are NOT wrong; they are perfectly valid (in
> isolation) and should not be removed. So then why do I want to
> suppress them?
> Well...
> I am nearly finished preparing an Insight Journal article titled
> "Using the Strategy Pattern to Simplify ITK". As you can guess, this
> article describes the strategy software design pattern and the use of
> "algorithm families". For example:
>    Family: BinaryPixelMath
>    Algorithms: And, Or, Add, Subtract, Multiple, etc
> At run-time the user will be able to choose the algorithm strategy.  
> For example:
>    typedef Image<unsigned char, 2> ImageType;
>    typedef SimpleUnaryPixelMathImageFilter<ImageType,ImageType>
> UnaryPixelMathImageType;
>    UnaryPixelMathImageType::Pointer filter =  
> UnaryPixelMathImageType::New();
>    filter->SetStrategy(UnaryPixelMathStrategy::Add); // <<<<
>    filter->SetInput1(input1);
>    filter->SetInput2(input2);
>    filter->Update();
> The user is still responsible for defining the template parameters of
> the "umbrella" filter. Let's take two examples:
>    Example 1: typedef Image<unsigned char, 2> ImageType;
>    Example 2: typedef Image<float, 2> ImageType;
> Example 1 works just fine: And, Or, Add, Subtract filters can all be
> defined for pixel type unsigned char.
> However, Example 2 does not compile due to concept checking. The
> logical operator filters (And/Or) have concept checks for pixel type
> is integer (and rightly so).
> So the issue is that concept checks are done at compile time, but it
> may be that the user does not invoke the offending strategy at
> run-time. If they do (ie. invoke "And" on two floating-point images) a
> run-time exception will be thrown.
> As I see it I have the following options:
>    1. Disable concept checking globally
>    2. Don't group these filters together (eg. create
> LogicalUnaryPixelMath umbrella filter)
>    3. Locally suppress concept checking, then re-enable

4. Instantiate the filters only if the pixels type is compatible with  
them, with a partial specialization of your meta filter, and reduce  
the options available for the final user depending on which filters  
have been instantiated internally.

> I don't like option 1. Option 2 means some filters which belong
> together can not be grouped. Option 3 is the approach I hope to get
> working. The code I gave below works fairly well: concept checking is
> globally enabled, but is disabled after you include the
> UnaryPixelMathImageFilter header file.
> Sorry if I have not described the situation well enough. I will
> probably publish the IJ article in the next week or two (with Option 3
> half working), so it might be easier to give advice with the code at
> hand...
> Cheers, Dan
> FYI: So far I have implemented the following strategies:
> UnaryPixelMath: Abs, Acos, Asin, Atan, BoundedReciprocal, Cos, Exp,
> ExpNegative, InvertIntensity, Log10, Log, Not, Sigmoid, Sin, Sqrt,
> Square, Tan
> BinaryPixelMath: Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, WeightedAdd,
> AbsoluteValueDifference, BinaryMagnitude, ConstrainedValueAddition,
> ConstrainedValueDifference, Mask, MaskNegated, Maximum, Minimum,
> SquaredDifference
> DistanceMap: Danielsson, SignedDanielsson, SignedMaurer
> Gradient: FiniteDifference, RecursiveGaussian
> GradientMagnitude: FiniteDifference, RecursiveGaussian, Morphological,
> Laplacian, LaplacianRecursiveGaussian
> Threshold: Binary, Single, Double, Otsu, KappaSigma
> Projection: Binary, BinaryThreshold, Maximum, Minimum, Sum, Mean,
> StandardDeviation, Median
> ImageToImageMetric: CompareHistogram, CorrelationCoefficientHistogram,
> GradientDifference, Histogram, KappaStatistic,
> KullbackLeiblerCompareHistogram, MatchCardinality,
> MattesMutualInformation, MeanReciprocalSquareDifference,
> MeanSquaresHistogram, MeanSquares, MutualInformationHistogram,
> MutualInformation, NormalizedCorrelation,
> NormalizedMutualInformationHistogram
> Interpolate: Linear, BSpline, CosineWindowedSinc, HammingWindowedSinc,
> LanczosWindowedSinc, WelchWindowedSinc
> Optimizer: Amoeba, ConjugateGradient, FRPR, GradientDescent, LBFGSB,
> LBFGS, LevenbergMarquardt, OnePlusOneEvolutionary, Powell,
> RegularStepGradientDescent, VersorRigid3DTransform, VersorTransform
> Transform: Translation, Scale, Euler2D, Euler3D, Rigid2D, Rigid3D,
> Versor, VersorRigid3D, Similarity2D, Similarity3D, Affine
> I plan to implement the following strategies, then submit the IJ  
> article:
> NaryPixelMath: Add, Maximum
> Morphology: BinaryDilate, BinaryErode, BinaryOpen, BinaryClose,
> GreyscaleOpen, GreyscaleClose, GreyscaleDilate, GreyscaleErode,
> AnchorOpen, AnchorClose, VanHerkGilWermanOpen, VanHerkGilWermanClose

those last four are already called when possible, or when required by  
the user, in GreyscaleOpen and GreyscaleClose.

> Smoothing: Bilateral, CurvatureFlow, DiscreteGaussian,
> SmoothingRecursiveGaussian, Median
> RegionGrowing: KLMRegionGrow, ConfidenceConnected, ConnectedThreshold,
> IsolatedConnected, NeighborhoodConnected
> MinimaMaxima: HConcave, HMaxima, HMinima, RegionalMaxima,  
> RegionalMinima

I would put those one in Morphology as well.

That's not easy to know what groups to make.
This subject is probably related to the modularization of ITKv4.


> On 31 December 2010 14:09, Luis Ibanez <luis.ibanez at kitware.com>  
> wrote:
>> Hi Dan,
>> I'm curious about the class in which you are finding
>> necessary to disable the concept checking.
>> Maybe what we should do is to fix the concept check
>> in that class, so it reflects the conditions of actual use.
>> Could you please elaborate ?
>>    Thanks
>>         Luis
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>> On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 2:25 AM, Dan Mueller <dan.muel at gmail.com>  
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Insight Developers,
>>> Is there a way to disable concept checking for a specific file?
>>> In general I want concept checking turned on (i.e. I don't want to
>>> globally disable concept checking using the CMake option). However I
>>> have a specific file(s) for which I want to disable concept checking
>>> (it fails the concept check, but the failure is acceptable). I  
>>> know, I
>>> know -- this isn't the intent of concept checking, but hey, I want  
>>> to
>>> do it anyway :D
>>> I can force concept checking to be disabled from a particular point
>>> onwards, but I can't figure out how (if at all possible) I can
>>> "re-enable" it. Is this possible?
>>> Example:
>>> // Files I want concept checked
>>> #include "itkAFileToBeConceptChecked.h"
>>> #include "itkAnotherFileToBeConceptChecked.h"
>>> // Force disabling of concept checking
>>> #undef itkConceptConstraintsMacro
>>> #undef itkConceptMacro
>>> #define itkConceptConstraintsMacro()
>>> #define itkConceptMacro(name, concept) enum { name = 0 }
>>> // Files I DO NOT want concept checked
>>> #include "itkFileNotToBeConceptChecked.h"
>>> // TODO: I should re-enable concept checking <<< What to do?
>>> // Files I want concept checked
>>> #include "itkYetAnotherFileToBeConceptChecked.h"
>>> Thanks for any ideas.
>>> Cheers, Dan
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Gaëtan Lehmann
Biologie du Développement et de la Reproduction
INRA de Jouy-en-Josas (France)
tel: +33 1 34 65 29 66    fax: 01 34 65 29 09
http://voxel.jouy.inra.fr  http://www.itk.org
http://www.mandriva.org  http://www.bepo.fr

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