[Insight-developers] Disable concept checking for a specific file?

Dan Mueller dan.muel at gmail.com
Thu Dec 30 02:25:02 EST 2010

Hi Insight Developers,

Is there a way to disable concept checking for a specific file?

In general I want concept checking turned on (i.e. I don't want to
globally disable concept checking using the CMake option). However I
have a specific file(s) for which I want to disable concept checking
(it fails the concept check, but the failure is acceptable). I know, I
know -- this isn't the intent of concept checking, but hey, I want to
do it anyway :D

I can force concept checking to be disabled from a particular point
onwards, but I can't figure out how (if at all possible) I can
"re-enable" it. Is this possible?


// Files I want concept checked
#include "itkAFileToBeConceptChecked.h"
#include "itkAnotherFileToBeConceptChecked.h"

// Force disabling of concept checking
#undef itkConceptConstraintsMacro
#undef itkConceptMacro
#define itkConceptConstraintsMacro()
#define itkConceptMacro(name, concept) enum { name = 0 }

// Files I DO NOT want concept checked
#include "itkFileNotToBeConceptChecked.h"

// TODO: I should re-enable concept checking <<< What to do?

// Files I want concept checked
#include "itkYetAnotherFileToBeConceptChecked.h"

Thanks for any ideas.

Cheers, Dan

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