[Insight-developers] A couple Dashboard issues

Bradley Lowekamp blowekamp at mail.nih.gov
Thu Aug 12 15:56:49 EDT 2010


	After my large commits yesterday I see a couple small items I may be responsible for:

1)  Failing Test on one Sun system:


It appears to be the results of this change:

and it is segment faulting on print a long double type. This does not make since to me, as the other build on this system seem to be working fine.

2) Some windows builds are having issue with "::ptrdiff_t" in itkIntTypes.h


What is interesting is that the second continuous build yesterday from this system was able to build fine the second time! This leads me to believe that it is an issue with the cmake files, and get ITK_STDDEF_H correct. 


If I could see the "itkConfigure.h" generated on one of these systems, it would be helpful for verifying this hypothesis. As on my system it appears to be set correctly and can't repoduce the problem, and the CMakeLists.txt looks ok to me.


Bradley Lowekamp  
Lockheed Martin Contractor for
Office of High Performance Computing and Communications
National Library of Medicine 
blowekamp at mail.nih.gov

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