[Insight-developers] ThreadedCalculateUpdateValue

Brady McCary brady.mccary+ITK at gmail.com
Tue Mar 10 01:10:12 EDT 2009


The current signature of this function in
ParallelSparseFieldLevelSetImageFilter is:

  inline virtual ValueType ThreadedCalculateUpdateValue(const unsigned
int itkNotUsed(ThreadId),
IndexType itkNotUsed(index),
                                                        const TimeStepType &dt,
                                                        const ValueType &value,
                                                        const ValueType &change)

It probably should be:

  inline virtual ValueType ThreadedCalculateUpdateValue(const unsigned
int itkNotUsed(ThreadId),
IndexType &itkNotUsed(index),
                                                        const TimeStepType &dt,
                                                        const ValueType &value,
                                                        const ValueType &change)

I.e, the second argument should be a reference. I think this is an
omission, considering that there is no reason for it not to be a
reference, and the corresponding signature in
SparseFieldLevelSetImageFilter has index as a reference.


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