[Insight-developers] cpack for cableswig

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Thu Jun 25 13:51:59 EDT 2009

Gaëtan Lehmann wrote:
> Would you agree to apply the attached patch, or to make a similar 
> modification to cableswig, to make it packageable with cpack?

We've decided to grant you commit access to CableSwig through the
ITK repository.  You should be able to run:

   cvs -d :pserver:<name>@www.itk.org:/cvsroot/Insight co CableSwig

and then commit through it.

As for the patch, please change the vendor line to

   SET(CPACK_PACKAGE_VENDOR "Insight Software Consortium")

 > Also, would it be possible to change the release number of cableswig
 > with the ITK releases? I'd like to distribute prebuilt binaries, and it
 > would be easier with a different version for each release :-)

We only support CableSwig for ITK wrapping, so let's make its
version number match that of ITK.

Would you mind taking over the role of release maintainer for
CableSwig?  It just means updating the version number and
tagging when the ITK release manager asks.


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