[Insight-developers] Image memory model

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Sun Jul 5 17:48:28 EDT 2009

Hi Dan,

I would suggest to keep the code updated in the NAMIC sandbox.
It makes a lot easier for everybody to access the code and
commit improvements.

BTW: This memory model is a great contribution to ITK.
      We should keep it in the list of features for ITK 4.0.


Dan Mueller wrote:
> Hi all,
> Wow, time flies when your having fun. I started this email thread over
> one year ago, but only now got to finishing everything off.
> I have just submitted an article to the Insight Journal with my first
> attempt at implementing some alternative memory models. The URL is not
> yet active, but once the submission is approved, it should live here:
>      http://hdl.handle.net/1926/3068
> Question: should I update the NAMIC sandbox with my implementation, or
> just keep everything in the journal?
> Cheers, Dan
> 2008/6/2 Karthik Krishnan <karthik.krishnan at kitware.com>:
>>On Sun, Jun 1, 2008 at 7:28 PM, Jim Miller <millerjv at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>Have you verified that running the NeighborhoodIterators through the
>>>Functors/Accessors did not affect performance? If the extra level of
>>>indirection is not properly optimized out for the default case, then we
>>>could have introduced a performance overhead.  Did you running any timing
>>>tests before/after this change?
>>Yes I did. I do not remember noticing any significant reduction in
>>speed after this change (in release optimized mode).
>>All methods are inlined and when unrolled yield the same instructions
>>as before. So we shouldn't be expecting any change either with
>>function inlining.
>>As an example, for the ConstNeighborhoodIterator; What used to be:
>> PixelType GetCenterPixel() const
>>   { return *( this->GetCenterPointer() );  }
>> PixelType GetPixel( int n, ...) const
>>   {
>>    ....
>>    return (m_NeighborhoodAccessorFunctor.Get(this->operator[](n)));
>>    }
>>was changed to
>> PixelType GetCenterPixel() const
>>   {  return m_NeighborhoodAccessorFunctor.Get( this->GetCenterPointer() );  }
>> PixelType GetPixel(...) const
>>   {
>>    ....
>>    return (*(this->operator[](n)));
>>    }
>>with the NeighborhoodAccessorFunctor reading:
>> inline PixelType NeightborhoodAcecssorFunctor::Get( const
>>InternalPixelType *pixelPointer ) const
>>   {
>>   return (*pixelPointer);
>>   }
>>Same holds true all the several other Set/Get access methods and
>>Boundary Condition accesses in all the iterators.
>>Basically any direct dereferencing is forced to go through the
>>accessors. The default implementation of the accessor just
>>dereferences and returns the value. The converse is done for the Set
>>These tests have been carried only on gcc. I made sure the functions
>>got inlined compiling with -WInline.
>>>On Sun, Jun 1, 2008 at 1:19 PM, Karthik Krishnan
>>><karthik.krishnan at kitware.com> wrote:
>>>>On Sun, Jun 1, 2008 at 12:35 PM, Jim Miller <millerjv at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>I think the issue with this design is that the NeighborhoodIterators do
>>>>>go through the PixelAccessors (for efficiency).  In fact, the
>>>>>NeighborhoodIterators keep a "neighborhood" or pointers to pixels and
>>>>>how to update those pointers via the iteration.
>>>>I had added these a while ago, to support the VectorImage.
>>>>Please see itk::NeighborhoodIteratorFunctor and
>>>>All iterators in ITK go through accessors/accessor functors.
>>>>The NeighborhoodAccessorFunctors work just like the PixelAccessors,
>>>>however have a slightly different API, so as to gel with the
>>>> inline PixelType Get( const InternalPixelType * ) const
>>>> inline void Set( InternalPixelType* &pixelPointer, const PixelType
>>>>&p ) const
>>>> inline PixelType BoundaryCondition(
>>>>     const OffsetType& point_index,
>>>>     const OffsetType &boundary_offset,
>>>>     const NeighborhoodType *data,
>>>>     const ImageBoundaryConditionConstPointerType boundaryCondition) const
>>>>Dan, you must be familiar with the Set/Get methods, having written the
>>>>PixelAccessor for the SliceContiguousImage. The last method,
>>>>BoundaryCondition method is called whenever the operator() method is
>>>>accessed for the boundary conditions, so you can return the right
>>>>pointer there. In the accessors, we delegate this back to the boundary
>>>>condition (the slower alternative signature is used here). You will
>>>>notice that there are two signatures for each of the boundary
>>>>conditions, One of them takes the accessor itself as an argument.
>>>>These accessors are obtained as traits of the image. All iterators are
>>>>tested for itk::VectorImage and itk::Image.
>>>>So, I think this should be possible for the SliceContiguousImage as
>>>>well, by writing a itk::SliceContiguousNeighborhoodAccessorFunctor.
>>>>>Introducing the GetBufferPointer() method is one of things I regret most
>>>>>the design of the ITK image. I never should have done that.  If all the
>>>>>iterators worked of the concept of an "offset" from the first pixel
>>>>>the number of pixels since the beginning of the buffer), then they could
>>>>>have indexed the pixels as PixelContainer[i] to get the ith pixel.  The
>>>>>PixelContainer could then hide the memory layout from the Image class
>>>>>from the Iterators. This would even allow PixelContainers that
>>>>>compressed the image data or store part of the image data on disk and
>>>>>in memory.
>>>>>ImageRegionIterator can support such a referencing scheme easily.
>>>>>ImageRegionIteratorWithIndex would require a little bit of work to
>>>>>the memory model.  NeighborIterator would require a good deal of work to
>>>>>support such a model. These are all doable.  It is just a matter of
>>>>>resources and a matter of efficiency (eg. do the neighborhood iterators
>>>>>too slow in this new model).
>>>>>Outside of the Iterators, the IO mechanisms (including the Import/Export
>>>>>facilities for interfacing to other systems), and few poorly written
>>>>>filters, the use of GetBufferPointer() should be fairly limited and
>>>>>In practice, when I interface into systems that have a slice contiguous
>>>>>model, I either use ITK just on 2D slices and forgo 3D processing, or I
>>>>>a volume contiguous image that is a copy of the slice contiguous image.
>>>>>These are not the best solutions but todays 64 bit world is currently
>>>>>larger than medical image data set sizes.
>>>>>On Sun, May 25, 2008 at 8:28 PM, Karthik Krishnan
>>>>><karthik.krishnan at kitware.com> wrote:
>>>>>>On Sun, May 25, 2008 at 2:41 AM, Dan Mueller <dan.muel at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>Image::GetBufferPointer() is used extensively within the toolkit.
>>>>>>>a look at the constructors for ImageConstIterator,
>>>>>>>ConstNeighborhoodIterator, ImageReverseConstIterator,
>>>>>>>ImageConstIteratorWithIndex, etc. I have added a list to
>>>>>>>   http://www.itk.org/Wiki/Proposals:Slice_contiguous_images
>>>>>>>however I realise now that some of these are
>>>>>>>ImportImageContainer::GetBufferPointer() (I'll fix this up when time
>>>>>>That should not be a cause of concern
>>>>>>  image->GetBufferPointer() is just a pointer to the first pixel in
>>>>>>the image. It is the dereferencing (m_BufferPointer + offset) that's
>>>>>>of concern.
>>>>>>>Unfortunately, while your suggestion of using the PixelAccessor and
>>>>>>>PixelAccessorFunctor would have been easy, I think it is too good to
>>>>>>>be true.
>>>>>>It is true.
>>>>>>>The assumptions regarding contiguous memory allocation are
>>>>>>>deeply entrenched.
>>>>>>These classes were introduced a year or two ago, precisely because we
>>>>>>had to support an alternate memory model image for NAMIC.
>>>>>>>Take for example the very first step you discussed, the act of
>>>>>>>the input pixel value from the iterator.Get() function to the
>>>>>>>>  PixelType iterator.Get()   reads
>>>>>>>>   { return pixelAccessorFunctor.Get(*(m_Buffer+m_Offset)); }
>>>>>>The variable is passed by reference, however it is later dereferenced
>>>>>>by the functor to the corrent pointer. The VectorPixelAccessor reads:
>>>>>> inline ExternalType Get( const InternalType & input, const unsigned
>>>>>>long offset ) const
>>>>>>   {
>>>>>>   ExternalType output( (&input)+(offset*m_OffsetMultiplier) ,
>>>>>>m_VectorLength );
>>>>>>   return output;
>>>>>>   }
>>>>>>ie the offset is passed in and based on the vector length instead of
>>>>>>returning *(m_Buffer+m_Offset) that an itk::Image would do, the
>>>>>>itk::VectorImage returns *(m_Buffer + m_Offset * m_VectorLength ) .
>>>>>>>This deference *(m_Buffer+m_Offset) will access potentially invalid
>>>>>>>memory in the slice-contiguous case (m_Buffer is the result of
>>>>>>>m_Image->GetBufferPointer(), the start of the contiguous array, or
>>>>>>>start of the first slice for my case).
>>>>>>I realize that it would have been better to pass in the offset and the
>>>>>>buffer_start_pointer in, to avoid invalid de-references. (I think
>>>>>>passing them by reference avoids the de-reference). So we could change
>>>>>>the signature of the the accesssor to
>>>>>> inline ExternalType Get( const InternalType & begin, const unsigned
>>>>>>long offset ) const
>>>>>>and the iterator would read:
>>>>>> PixelType Get(void) const
>>>>>>   { return m_PixelAccessorFunctor.Get(m_Buffer, m_Offset); }
>>>>>>instead of
>>>>>> PixelType Get(void) const
>>>>>>   { return m_PixelAccessorFunctor.Get(*(m_Buffer+m_Offset)); }
>>>>>>>There are other places this assumption is also made: for example
>>>>>>>ImageConstIteratorWithIndex::SetIndex() uses the buffer pointer to
>>>>>>>compute the index.
>>>>>>Again the starting pointer should not matter. All attempts to
>>>>>>dereference the pointers, via Set or Get go through the accessors.
>>>>>>>Have I misinterpreted your meaning? I think either m_Buffer and/or
>>>>>>>m_Offset would need to altered from their original meaning to work
>>>>>>>slice-contiguous memory...
>>>>>>No. I don't think so. In your case,
>>>>>>m_Buffer would be any arbitrary value say 0.
>>>>>>m_Offset would be the Nth pixel into the image.
>>>>>>Any attempt to access the Nth pixel would go through the accessor,
>>>>>>which would have start pointers to all the slices in your image and
>>>>>>would read something like:
>>>>>> inline ExternalType itk::SlicePixelAccessor::Get( const InternalType
>>>>>>& begin, const unsigned long offset ) const
>>>>>>   {
>>>>>>   const unsigned long slice = offset/(x_size*y_size);
>>>>>>   const unsigned long offset_into_slice = offset % (x_size*y_size);
>>>>>>   return *(m_SlicePointer[slice] + offset_into_slice);
>>>>>>   }
>>>>>>Hope this helps.
>>>>>>Karthik Krishnan
>>>>>>R&D Engineer,
>>>>>>Kitware Inc.
>>>>>>Insight-developers mailing list
>>>>>>Insight-developers at itk.org
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