[Insight-developers] Doc updates for ImageIOBase

Steve M. Robbins steve at sumost.ca
Fri Jan 2 19:25:52 EST 2009

Thanks so much to Luis for patiently answering my questions in this
thread.  I believe that I understand the semantics of ImageIOBase
quite a bit better now.

I've used my new understanding to revise the doxygen comments in
itkImageIOBase.h.  The patch (against CVS head) is attached.

I would propose to commit this, but not until I get the go-ahead from
someone at Kitware.  I'd appreciate other developers looking this over
for accuracy and style.

You'll notice two "TODO: Deprecate?" comments.  I don't propose to
commit these.  However, neither WriteImageInformation() nor
m_Initialized can reliably be used in the code base today.  So what
should one do about them?

Any comments welcome.

-------------- next part --------------
Index: Code/IO/itkImageIOBase.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/Insight/Insight/Code/IO/itkImageIOBase.h,v
retrieving revision 1.49
diff -u -b -B -r1.49 itkImageIOBase.h
--- Code/IO/itkImageIOBase.h	25 Jun 2008 11:30:38 -0000	1.49
+++ Code/IO/itkImageIOBase.h	3 Jan 2009 00:21:09 -0000
@@ -39,10 +39,31 @@
  * ImageSeriesReader and ImageSeriesWriter classes are used to read
  * and write data (in conjunction with ImageIOBase) when the data is
  * represented by a series of files. Normally the user does not directly
- * manipulate this class other than to instantiate it, set the FileName,
+ * manipulate this class other than to instantiate it
  * and assign it to a ImageFileReader/ImageFileWriter or
  * ImageSeriesReader/ImageSeriesWriter.
+ * An image consists of pixel values together with associated metadata
+ * such as that describing the image sampling grid location in a
+ * global or world reference space; e.g. the origin, spacing, and
+ * directions.  Note that the world space coordinate system is right
+ * handed and, when dealing with medical images, uses the LPS
+ * convention; i.e. that the positive X-, Y-, and Z-axes in world
+ * space point towards the patient Left, Posterior, and Superior
+ * (head), respectively.  If metadata present in the file uses a
+ * different convention, it will be converted.
+ *
+ * In order to read image data, the caller must first set the file
+ * name using SetFileName() then call the method
+ * ReadImageInformation().  At this point the image information is
+ * available using methods such as GetSpacing().  To read the pixel
+ * data, the caller must first call SetIORegion() and then Read().
+ *
+ * When used to write image data, the caller must first set up the
+ * image information using methods such as SetSpacing(),
+ * SetFileName(), etc.  Next, invoke the method SetIORegion() followed
+ * by Write().
+ * 
  * A Pluggable factory pattern is used this allows different kinds of readers
  * to be registered (even at run time) without having to modify the
  * code in this class.
@@ -66,7 +87,7 @@
   /** Run-time type information (and related methods). */
   itkTypeMacro(ImageIOBase, Superclass);
-  /** Set/Get the name of the file to be read. */
+  /** Set/Get the name of the file to be read or written. */
@@ -91,36 +112,50 @@
                  ULONG,LONG, FLOAT,DOUBLE} IOComponentType;
   /** Set/Get the number of independent variables (dimensions) in the
-   * image being read or written. Note this is not necessarily what
-   * is written, rather the IORegion controls that. */
+   * image being read or written. Note that the region of data read or
+   * written is controlled by calling SetIORegion() and may not be the
+   * full image.
+   */
   void SetNumberOfDimensions(unsigned int);
   itkGetMacro(NumberOfDimensions, unsigned int);
-  /** Set/Get the image dimensions in the x, y, z, etc. directions.
+  /** Set/Get the image dimension (number of samples) along the i'th axis.
    * GetDimensions() is typically used after reading the data; the
-   * SetDimensions() is used prior to writing the data. */
+   * SetDimensions() is used prior to writing the data. 
+   */
   virtual void SetDimensions(unsigned int i, unsigned int dim);
   virtual unsigned int GetDimensions(unsigned int i) const
   { return m_Dimensions[i]; }
-  /** Set/Get the image origin on a axis-by-axis basis. The SetOrigin() method
-   * is required when writing the image. */
+  /** Set/Get the i'th image-space coordinate value of the image origin.
+   * The SetOrigin() method is required when writing the image. 
+   */
   virtual void SetOrigin(unsigned int i, double origin);
   virtual double GetOrigin(unsigned int i) const
     return m_Origin[i];
-  /** Set/Get the image spacing on an axis-by-axis basis. The
-   * SetSpacing() method is required when writing the image. */
+  /** Set/Get the world-space distance between adjacent samples along
+   * the i'th axis.  The SetSpacing() method is required when writing
+   * the image.  Medical images measure spacing in millimetres.
+   */
   virtual void SetSpacing(unsigned int i, double spacing);
   virtual double GetSpacing(unsigned int i) const
     return m_Spacing[i];
-  /** Set/Get the image direction on an axis-by-axis basis. The
-   * SetDirection() method is required when writing the image. */
+  /** Set/Get the world-space direction of the i'th axis. Each axis
+   * direction is a d-dimensional unit vector, where d =
+   * GetNumberOfDimensions().  The world space uses right-handed
+   * coordinate system and, for medical images, the LPS convention;
+   * i.e. that the positive X-, Y-, and Z-axes in world space point
+   * towards the patient Left, Posterior, and Superior (head),
+   * respectively.
+   *
+   * The SetDirection() method is required when writing the image.
+   */
   virtual void SetDirection(unsigned int i, std::vector<double> &direction);
   virtual void SetDirection(unsigned int i, vnl_vector<double> &direction);
   virtual std::vector<double> GetDirection(unsigned int i) const
@@ -128,55 +163,66 @@
     return m_Direction[i];
-  /** Specify the region of the image data to either read or
-   * write. The IORegion specifies the part of the image to read or
-   * write. Regions are defined with an index and a size vector. These
-   * vectors define the start (lower-left corner) and length of the
-   * region within the image. Make sure that the IORegion lies within
-   * the image. */
+  /** Specify the IORegion, which is the region of the image data
+   * to either read or write. Regions are defined with an index and a
+   * size vector. These vectors define the start (lower-left corner)
+   * and length of the region within the image. The caller must ensure
+   * that the IORegion lies within the image.
+   */
   itkSetMacro(IORegion, ImageIORegion);
   itkGetConstMacro(IORegion, ImageIORegion);
-  /** Set/Get the type of the pixel. The PixelTypes provides context
-   * to the IO mechanisms for data conversions.  PixelTypes can be
+  /** Set/Get the type of the pixel present in the buffer provided to
+   * functions Read() and Write().  PixelTypes can be
    * the PIXELTYPE is SCALAR, then the NumberOfComponents should be 1.
-   * Anyother of PIXELTYPE will have more than one component. */
+   * Any other PIXELTYPE will have more than one component. */
   itkSetEnumMacro(PixelType, IOPixelType);
   itkGetEnumMacro(PixelType, IOPixelType);
-  /** SetPixelTypeInfo is used by writers to convert from an ITK
-   * strongly typed pixel to a ImageIO (weaker) typed pixel. This
-   * function sets these PixelType, ComponentType, and
-   * NumberOfComponents based on RTTI type_info structure passed
-   * in. The function returns false if the pixel type is not
-   * supported. */
+  /** Equivalent to calling SetPixelType(), SetComponentType() and
+   * SetNumberOfComponents().  The function returns false if the pixel
+   * type is not supported. */
   virtual bool SetPixelTypeInfo(const std::type_info& ptype);
-  /** Set/Get the component type of the image. This is always a native
-   * type. */
+  /** Set/Get the component type of the image. For a scalar pixel,
+   * this is the type of the pixel; otherwise it is the type used for
+   * each element in the pixel.  It is always a native
+   * type. 
+   *
+   * This is the type used for pixel data in methods Read() and
+   * Write().  It is typically the same type as the data on disk;
+   * however, it may be different if the disk file specifies a
+   * transformation of pixel values such as a slope/intercept pair or
+   * a scalar-to-rgb lookup table.
+   */
   virtual const std::type_info& GetComponentTypeInfo() const;
-  /** Set/Get the number of components per pixel in the image. This may
-   * be set by the reading process. For SCALAR pixel types,
+  /** Set/Get the number of components per pixel in the image. 
+   * For SCALAR pixel types,
    * NumberOfComponents will be 1.  For other pixel types,
    * NumberOfComponents will be greater than or equal to one. */
   itkSetMacro(NumberOfComponents,unsigned int);
   itkGetConstReferenceMacro(NumberOfComponents,unsigned int);
-  /** Set/Get a boolean to use the compression or not. */
+  /** Set/Get a boolean indicating whether to use compression. Some
+   * subclasses use this, some ignore it. */
-  /** Set/Get a boolean to use streaming while reading or not. */
+  /** Set/Get a boolean indicating whether to use streaming while
+   * reading. Some subclasses use this, some ignore it.
+   * \sa CanStreamRead() 
+   */
-  /** Set/Get a boolean to use use streaming while writing or not. */
+  /** Set/Get a boolean indicating whether to use use streaming while
+   * writing. Some subclasses use this, some ignore it. */
@@ -243,8 +289,8 @@
   /** Type for representing size of bytes, and or positions along a file */
   typedef std::streamoff SizeType;
-  /** Convenient method for accessing the number of bytes to get to
-   * the next pixel. Returns m_Strides[1]; */
+  /** Return the number of bytes to get to
+   * the next pixel in an image buffer. */
   virtual SizeType GetPixelStride () const;
   /** Return the number of pixels in the image. */
@@ -257,47 +303,76 @@
    * of components in the image. */
   SizeType GetImageSizeInComponents() const;
-  /*-------- This part of the interfaces deals with reading data ----- */
+  /*-------- This part of the interface deals with reading data ----- */
-  /** Determine the file type. Returns true if this ImageIO can read the
+  /** Returns true if this ImageIO can read the
    * file specified. */
   virtual bool CanReadFile(const char*) = 0;
-  /** Determine if the ImageIO can stream reading from this
-      file. Default is false. */
+  /** Return true if the ImageIO can stream reading from this
+   * file.  The method ReadImageInformation() must be called
+   * prior to calling CanStreamRead(). 
+   *
+   * Any subclass that can potentially stream reads must
+   * implement this function.
+   *
+   * \sa SetUseStreamedReading()
+   */
   virtual bool CanStreamRead()
     return false;
-  /** Read the spacing and dimentions of the image.
-   * Assumes SetFileName has been called with a valid file name. */
+  /** Read the spacing, dimensions and other metadata of the image.
+   * Assumes SetFileName has been called with a valid file name.
+   * After this call, methods such as GetDimension(), GetSpacing(),
+   * etc will return the correct values.
+   */
   virtual void ReadImageInformation() = 0;
-  /** Reads the data from disk into the memory buffer provided. */
+  /** Reads the data from disk into the memory buffer provided. The
+   * caller must first call ReadImageInformation() and SetIORegion().
+   * The buffer provided must be correctly sized for the IORegion
+   * desired and considering the pixel and component types; c.f.
+   * GetPixelSize().
+   *
+   * The buffer is populated in the same ordering (i.e. XYZ, XZY, etc)
+   * as in the disk file.
+   */
   virtual void Read(void* buffer) = 0;
-  /*-------- This part of the interfaces deals with writing data ----- */
+  /*-------- This part of the interface deals with writing data ----- */
-  /** Determine the file type. Returns true if this ImageIO can read the
+  /** Return true if this ImageIO can write the
    * file specified. */
   virtual bool CanWriteFile(const char*)  = 0;
-  /** Determine if the ImageIO can stream writing to this
-      file. Default is false. */
+  /** Return true if the ImageIO can stream writing to this
+   * file. 
+   * 
+   * Any subclass that can potentially stream writes must
+   * implement this function.
+   */
   virtual bool CanStreamWrite()
     return false;
-  /** Writes the spacing and dimentions of the image.
-   * Assumes SetFileName has been called with a valid file name. */
+  // TODO: Deprecate?  This method is not used in ITK code and only 2 subclasses implement it.
+  /** Write the spacing, dimensions and other metadata of the image.
+   * Assumes SetFileName has been called with a valid file name. 
+   */
   virtual void WriteImageInformation() = 0;
-  /** Writes the data to disk from the memory buffer provided. Make sure
-   * that the IORegions has been set properly. The buffer is cast to a
-   * pointer to the beginning of the image data. */
+  /** Writes the data to disk, both pixel (provided in the given
+   * buffer) and other metadata.  The caller must first call
+   * SetIORegion() to specify the image region to write.
+   *
+   * The buffer provided must be correctly sized for the IORegion
+   * desired and considering the pixel and component types; c.f.
+   * GetPixelSize().
+   */
   virtual void Write( const void* buffer) = 0;
   /* --- Support reading and writing data as a series of files. --- */
@@ -305,8 +380,12 @@
   /** The different types of ImageIO's can support data of varying
    * dimensionality. For example, some file formats are strictly 2D
    * while others can support 2D, 3D, or even n-D. This method returns
-   * true/false as to whether the ImageIO can support the dimension
-   * indicated. */
+   * true if the ImageIO can support the dimension
+   * indicated. 
+   *
+   * Any subclass that supports dimensions other than 2 must
+   * implement this function.
+   */
   virtual bool SupportsDimension(unsigned long dim)
     return (dim == 2);
@@ -315,9 +394,10 @@
   /** Method for supporting streaming.  Given a requested region, determine what
    * could be the region that we can read from the file. This is called the
    * streamable region, which will be smaller than the LargestPossibleRegion and
-   * greater or equal to the RequestedRegion */
+   * greater or equal to requestedRegion 
+   */
   virtual ImageIORegion 
-  GenerateStreamableReadRegionFromRequestedRegion( const ImageIORegion & requested ) const;
+  GenerateStreamableReadRegionFromRequestedRegion( const ImageIORegion & requestedRegion ) const;
   /** Type for the list of strings to be used for extensions.  */
   typedef  std::vector< std::string >    ArrayOfExtensionsType;
@@ -343,14 +423,14 @@
   /** Used internally to keep track of the type of the pixel. */
   IOPixelType m_PixelType;
-  /** Used internally to keep track of the type of the component. It is set
-   * when ComputeStrides() is invoked. */
+  /** Used internally to keep track of the type of the component.  */
   IOComponentType m_ComponentType;
   /** Big or Little Endian, and the type of the file. (May be ignored.) */
   ByteOrder      m_ByteOrder;
   FileType       m_FileType;
+  // TODO: Deprecate?  Set to false in Reset() and never used anywhere else.
   /** Does the ImageIOBase object have enough info to be of use? */
   bool m_Initialized;
@@ -402,6 +482,7 @@
               const unsigned int* dimensions);
   /** Calculates the different strides (distance from one thing to the next).
+   * The component size and dimensions must be set before calling this.
    * Upon return,
    * strides[0] = bytes to get to the next component of a pixel,
    * strides[1] = bytes to get to the next pixel in x direction,
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