[Insight-developers] Performance of itkShrinkImageFilter

Bradley Lowekamp blowekamp at mail.nih.gov
Fri Apr 3 12:11:54 EDT 2009

I did some performance testing of the critical loop inside the  
ShrinkImageFilter. The two options are:

loop 1)
     outputIndex = outIt.GetIndex();
     inputIndex = outputIndex * factorSize + offset;
     outIt.Set( inputPtr->GetPixel(inputIndex) );


loop 2)
     outputIndex = outIt.GetIndex();
     outputPtr->TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint(outputIndex, outputPoint);
     inputPtr->TransformPhysicalPointToIndex(outputPoint, inputIndex);
     outIt.Set( inputPtr->GetPixel(inputIndex) );

I utilized the itkShrinkImageStreamingTest to profile the performance  
on my 2.4GHz Duo MacBookPro and   2x3Ghz Quad-core MacPro.  The image  
size was adjusted to 8Kx12K on my macbook 80Kx12K on the workstation  
for the test to take an about 10 seconds. The other parameter to  
consider in multi-threading, but that complicates things, so I set   
GlobalMaximumNumberOfThreads to 1.

On the laptop loop 2 ran in 11 seconds and loop 1 ran in 6.

On the workstation loop 2 ran in 11.5 seconds and loop 1 ran in 9.

I then noticed that the filter was using an ImageRegionIterator  
instead of ImageRegionIteratorWithIndex. The latter iterator is  
theoretically an optimized version of the prior when the GetIndex  
methods is used frequently, as we are in this case.

On the workstation WithIndex loop 2 ran in 8.4 and loop 1 ran in 6.75.

As these two loops are provably equivalent based on the assumption of  
the output information set in the generate data method, I don't see a  
significant down side to reverting this loop to how it was implemented  
before along with the change in the iterator too.


On Mar 28, 2009, at 3:33 PM, Bill Lorensen wrote:

> The Shrinker changes were in part meant to maintain alignment of the
> centr's of the subsample volume with the original volume.
> As for performance, we should benchmark the old and new versions with
> optimized compilations on a couple of platforms.
> Bill
> On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 5:34 PM, Bradley Lowekamp
> <blowekamp at mail.nih.gov> wrote:
>> I have just been asking for a clarification of what this bug means.  
>> Based on
>> Han's response:
>> Brad,
>> The problem is that the origin is not properly computed in the down  
>> sampled
>> images, and the origin affects the location.
>> Hans
>> These changes:
>> http://public.kitware.com/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/Code/Algorithms/itkMultiResolutionPyramidImageFilter.txx?root=Insight&r1=1.25&r2=1.28
>> http://public.kitware.com/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/Code/Algorithms/itkRecursiveMultiResolutionPyramidImageFilter.txx?root=Insight&r1=1.15&r2=1.16
>> in fact, these changed don't effect the origin or the location of  
>> the image.
>> So I really don't understand what was trying to be achieved here.
>> To add more to the confusion the description Luis added for the patch
>> doesn't seem right either:
>> http://public.kitware.com/Bug/view.php?id=8795
>> The change from shrinker to a linear resampler is arbitrary, ill  
>> motivated,
>> and changes the intrinsic behavior of these filter. These changes  
>> did not
>> solve the bug and are quickly creating a nest of confusing mantis  
>> entries!
>> With many people working on individual problems, and no one looking  
>> at the
>> big picture.
>> Hopefully there is a TCON tomorrow. I think it would be best if  
>> this could
>> be discussed there, to determine what the correct behaviors and and  
>> what
>> should be done.
>> Brad
>> On Mar 26, 2009, at 6:02 PM, kent williams wrote:
>> Brad, the switch to ResampleImageFilter to ShrinkImageFilter  
>> occurred n
>> 12-17-2008, and are part of the 3.12 release.  The small change I  
>> checked in
>> this week — which Luis is back-porting into 3.12 — just turns off
>> UseImageSpacing, which was the default behavior prior to 12-18-2008.
>> I changed RecursiveMultiResolutionPyramidImageFilter this week to  
>> also use
>> ResampleImageFilter in preference to ShrinkImageFilter.   This was  
>> a change
>> requested after some discussion, and logged in the Bug Tracker:
>> http://public.kitware.com/Bug/view.php?id=8482
>> This change did not break any existing regression tests.   
>> Obviously, it
>> would be good to have a regression test that failed before this  
>> change and
>> succeeds afterwards.  When Hans gets back in the office next week,  
>> I’ll
>> discuss formulating such a test.
>> Conversely, if this change introduces some behavior you find  
>> undesirable it
>> would be great if you could come up with a test program that  
>> illustrates the
>> problem.
>> I don’t have a dog in this fight, I just try to fix the bugs I’m  
>> assigned
>> without breaking anything obvious.  I studied Comp Sci and not  
>> Medical Image
>> Processing background so every time I tackle one of these filters,  
>> I don’t
>> even necessarily know what it does beforehand, or have any idea  
>> what would
>> constitute improved or impaired behavior.
>> I must ask then why are you trying to fix it if you don't know what  
>> is
>> broken or what is correct?
>> On 3/26/09 4:43 PM, "Hans Johnson" <hans-johnson at uiowa.edu> wrote:
>> Notice: This UI Health Care e-mail (including attachments) is  
>> covered by the
>> Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. 2510-2521, is  
>> confidential
>> and may be legally privileged.  If you are not the intended  
>> recipient, you
>> are hereby notified that any retention, dissemination,  
>> distribution, or
>> copying of this communication is strictly prohibited.  Please reply  
>> to the
>> sender that you have received the message in error, then delete  
>> it.  Thank
>> you.
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Bradley Lowekamp
Lockheed Martin Contractor for
Office of High Performance Computing and Communications
National Library of Medicine
blowekamp at mail.nih.gov

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