[Insight-developers] _GLIBCXX_DEBUG is not thread safe.

Sean McBride sean at rogue-research.com
Thu Mar 27 12:10:48 EDT 2008

On 3/27/08 9:30 AM, Hans Johnson said:

>I wanted to get this information out on the developer list so that others
>would see it.
>_GLIBCXX_DEBUG  does not seem to be thread safe.

A search of the gcc bugbase reveals several threading issues, yes:

For example, it is known to be not thread safe with gcc 3.3 (where the
feature was introduced).  See:

You might also want to google "<rdar://4417672>".

>Code consistently in the pthread mutex lock when using "-g -D_GLIBCXX_DEBUG"
>at line 302 of InsightToolkit/Algorithms/itkFastMarchingImageFilter.txx
>299   while ( !m_TrialHeap.empty() )
>300     {
>301     // get the node with the smallest value
>302     node = m_TrialHeap.top();
>303     m_TrialHeap.pop();
> -- AND --
>At line 141 of InsightToolkit/BasicFilters/itkMedianImageFilter.txx
>139       // get the median value
>140       const typename std::vector<InputPixelType>::iterator
>                       medianIterator = pixels.begin() + medianPosition;
>141       std::nth_element(pixels.begin(), medianIterator, pixels.end());
>142       it.Set( static_cast<typename OutputImageType::PixelType>
>                        (*medianIterator) );
>_L_mutex_unlock_153,  FP=bfffd3c8

I'm not sure I understand... what is the symptom you see with ITK?  Are
you sure it's not an ITK bug?

Can you try with gcc 4.3 on linux?

Sean McBride, B. Eng                 sean at rogue-research.com
Rogue Research                        www.rogue-research.com 
Mac Software Developer              Montréal, Québec, Canada

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