[Insight-developers] compiling error

Leila Baghdadi baghdadi at phenogenomics.ca
Tue Mar 4 12:10:52 EST 2008

Hi everyone

I am trying to build the RegionGrowingSegmentation of
InsightApplications and I get the following error

The weird thing is I use the same fltk for building packages like SNAP
and LiverTumorSegmentation and I get no problems

any ideas

Building CXX object
/projects/mice/share/arch/linux64/include/FL/Enumerations.H:55: error:
duplicate ‘unsigned’
/projects/mice/share/arch/linux64/include/FL/Enumerations.H:55: error:
multiple types in one declaration
/projects/mice/share/arch/linux64/include/FL/Enumerations.H:55: error:
declaration does not declare anything

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