[Insight-developers] Empty FixedArray destructor: Performance hit using gcc (times 2)

Tom Vercauteren tom.vercauteren at m4x.org
Thu Jun 5 12:27:04 EDT 2008


Thanks for your tests, it's great to have see such reactivity!

Below is another test that will show the performance hit. You don't
need to recompile ITK to use it. What we did was to run a simple loop
on an C array of FixedArray. Then we hack around to get an 8 byte
aligned C array of FixedArray and run the loop again.

In this case, the performance hit is clearly not as large as the one
we get in the real world case but is still large enough to be

   Initial alignment: 4
   Initial execution time: 920ms
   New alignment: 0
   Execution time: 880ms

Let me know what it gives on your setup.

If the destructor is not implemented you would get ( Initial
alignment: 0 ) and the same timing results.


#include <iostream>
#include <itkFixedArray.h>

int main()
   // Define the number of elements in the array
   const unsigned int nelements = 10000000;

   // Define the number of runs used for timing
   const unsigned int nrun = 10;

   // Declare a simple timer
   clock_t t;

   typedef itk::FixedArray<double,2> ArrayType;

   // Declare an array of nelements FixedArray
   // and add a small margin to play with pointers
   // but not map outside the allocated memory
   ArrayType * vec = new ArrayType[nelements+8];

   // Fill it up with zeros

   // Display the alignment of the array
   std::cout << "Initial alignment: " << (((int)vec)& 7) << "\n";

   // Start a simple experiment
   t = clock();
   double acc1 = 0.0;
   for (unsigned int i=0;i<nrun;++i)
      for (unsigned int j=0;j<nelements;++j)

   // Get the final timing and display it
   t=clock() - t;

   std::cout << "Initial execution time: "
             << (t*1000.0) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "ms\n";

   // We now emulate an 8 bytes aligned array

   // Cast the pointer to char to play with bytes
   char * p = reinterpret_cast<char*>( vec );

   // Move the char pointer until is aligned on 8 bytes
   while (((int)p)%8) ++p;

   // Cast the 8 bytes aligned pointer back to the original type
   ArrayType * vec2 = reinterpret_cast<ArrayType*>( p );

   // Make sure the new pointer is well aligned by
   // displaying the alignment
   std::cout << "New alignment: " << (((int)vec2)& 7) << "\n";

   // Start the simple experiment on the 8 byte aligned array
   t = clock();
   double acc2 = 0.0;
   for (unsigned int i=0;i<nrun;++i)
      for (unsigned int j=0;j<nelements;++j)

   // Get the final timing and display it
   t=clock() - t;

   std::cout << "Execution time: "
             << (t*1000.0) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "ms\n";

   // Free up the memory
   delete [] vec;

   // Make sure we do something with the sums otherwise everything
   // could be optimized away by the compiler
   return acc1+acc2;

On Thu, Jun 5, 2008 at 5:04 PM, Gert Wollny <gert at die.upm.es> wrote:
> Am Donnerstag, den 05.06.2008, 10:24 -0400 schrieb Luis Ibanez:
>> Hi Gert,
>> Thanks for the quick report !
>> It makes sense that -g flag will prevent the method
>> from being optimized away.
>> If you have a chance,
>> could you please test what happens when no -g is
>> used, and the optimization flag is set to -O3 ?
> It was not be optimized away, and valgrind/kcachegrind tells me  the
> destructor is located in libITKCommon.so.
> Actually, with -O3 the whole loop was optimized away. This is wired, to
> say the least, because, if the compiler doesn't see the implementation
> of the constructor and the destructor and uses the explicitly
> instanciated one, it can not know whether there is done something
> essential in one of the both, like changing a global variable.
> I've added some code to force the loop (attached).
> BTW: I think -g doesn't change the optimizers at all (with g++).
> Best
> Gert

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