[Insight-developers] Analyze format problema

ivan gm ivan.gm.itk at gmail.com
Thu Apr 17 05:21:37 EDT 2008


I've a problem when i run the code bellow:

            typedef itk::VTKImageToImageFilter<ImageType> VTKConnectorType;
            VTKConnectorType::Pointer connectorVtk =
            connectorVtk->SetInput( this->pvtkIslandRemoval->GetOutput() );
            typedef itk::ImageFileWriter<ImageType> WriterType;
            WriterType::Pointer writer = WriterType::New();
            writer->SetFileName(cFileDialog.GetPathName() + ".hdr");
            writer->SetImageIO( itk::AnalyzeImageIO::New() );
            writer->SetInput( connectorVtk->GetOutput() );

In the screen appears the following message in a new window:
     WARNING: In .\itkAnalyzeImageIO.cxx, line 1307
     AnalyzeImageIO (128E2CE8): ERROR: Analyze 7.5 File Format Only Allows
RPI, PIR, and RIP Orientation

Instead of the message, the writer writes the image.hdr and the image.img
files in a proper way, so how can I avoid the message and the new window?

Thanks a lot.
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