Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Sun Oct 21 10:44:39 EDT 2007

We have seen two recent incidents where developers are
committing code to ITK branches without following the
standard procedure.

For more than four years we have had the policy that once
an ITK branch is created, only a single designated developr
commits changes to the branch.

The changes to a branch must be reported first as bugs in
the bug tracker and their fixes must have to be already
demostrated to work in the CVS trunk.

          Branches are *not* the place
          to experiment with code changes.

People developing applications, (some of them used in
Medical Devices, some of them used in Clinical Trials)
rely on the stability and reliability of the branches.

If you find that a known bug in ITK, exist also in a
particular branch, and you know that is has been fixed
in the main repository. Then you should contact the
gatekeeper and request the change to be made in the branch.

CVS write access has now been removed for the two recent
offenders. (They know who they are).

    Thanks for your understanding.


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