[Insight-developers] Warning - possible candidate for noreturn attribute

Mathieu Coursolle mcoursolle at rogue-research.com
Mon Mar 19 15:31:19 EST 2007


I believe there is, 
but I want that warning to appear for my project.

The warning appears when I build my project, but it comes
from ITK code.



>Is there a compiler flag to suppress that warning?
>On 3/19/07, Mathieu Coursolle <mcoursolle at rogue-research.com> wrote:
>I currently use ITK in a XCode project on Mac OSX.
>When I include some ITK headers, I get the following 
>/Common/itkImageSource.txx: In member function 'void
>itk::ImageSource<TOutputImage>::ThreadedGenerateData(const typename
>TOutputImage::RegionType&, int) [with TOutputImage = ITK2DImage]': 
>/Common/itkImageSource.txx:244: warning: function might be possible
>candidate for attribute 'noreturn'
>This is cause by the fact that the implementation of ThreadedGenerateData
>from itkImageSource (base class) just throws an exception, so it does 
>not return.
>// The execute method created by the subclass.
>template <class TOutputImage>
>::ThreadedGenerateData(const OutputImageRegionType&,
>                      int)
>itkExceptionMacro("subclass should override this method!!!");
>I can remove that warning by changing the function prototype to use the 
>void ThreadedGenerateData(const OutputImageRegionType&
>                           int threadId )
>__attribute__ ((noreturn));
>However, I believe that the noreturn attribute is not defined on all 
>Any suggestion to get rid of that warning?
>Thank you.
>Mathieu Coursolle                   mcoursolle at rogue-research.com
>Rogue Research                      www.rogue-research.com
>Montréal, Québec, Canada
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