[Insight-developers] Complex number interpolation in ITK

Dominique Zosso dominique.zosso at epfl.ch
Tue Jul 31 09:20:09 EDT 2007


In the itk-wiki proposal on grid computing, Simon Warfield, Steve Pieper 
and Ron Kikinis mention that ITK is currently not able to interpolate 
complex data-type images (see item 4 of the resampling task list: 
"Development and implementation of a resampling algorithm for complex 
number data-types currently not supported by ITK, required for 
interpolation of Fourier transforms.")

Could you please report on the current status of complex data-type 
interpolation in itk? Are there any ongoing developments?

What would you recommend as a possible workaround? One might for example 
think of a intermediate class layer that splits a complex image in two 
real-type images (real and imaginary parts) that are interpolated 
independently? This should not be too hard to implement, but what about 
performance issues?

Looking forward to your opinion


Dominique Zosso, MSc
Station 11
CH-1015 Lausanne

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