[Insight-developers] Image3D ==> DicomSeries : Proposal

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Mon Mar 20 20:13:20 EST 2006

We found recently that with the current ITK version
we cannot perform correctly the following task:

     Read a 3D image from a non-DICOM source
     and write it as a series of 3D DICOM slices.

If we use the ImageSeriesWriter + GDCMImageIO
for doing this the following undesirable behaviors
take place:

   1) The information for the DICOM header is the
      same for all the DICOM slices.

   2) Interslice spacing is set to zero

   3) Origin of all the slices is incorrectly set.

   4) Orientation of the original image is lost.

We would like to correct for these deficiencies.
With that goal in mind a proposal


has been added to the page:


and a Example with the desired "Use Case" has been
added to the directory Insight/Examples/IO/  with
the name


The current suggested solution is to add code to the
ImageSeriesWriter for managing the case when a meta
data dictionary is not provided. In this case the
ImageSeriesWriter should internally create a meta
data dictionary using information from the Input image
and update for each slice the data corresponding to the
image-slice origin, orientation and spacing

   Any feedback on this proposal is welcome,



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