[Insight-developers] ITK & Borland

Aquino Domenico aquino at istituto-besta.it
Thu Apr 20 09:34:07 EDT 2006


I'm new of this list and I'm a newbie of ITK toolkit. I would like to 
use it under Windows. I'm using a Borland 6 C++ compiler. I've 
downloaded the CMake 2.2 software using as source directory 
h:\ITK\InsideToolKit and h:\ITK\InsideToolkit\binary as the binary 
directory. I disabled the Examples and the Tests and I configured Cmake 
for Borland Makefiles, then I pressed ok. The process has finished in 
less then a minute (on the manual is written that it should be 15min) 
and I don't see, except for three *.exe files, any change.

It's all ok? If not, whitch is the problem? I expect to find a project 

If it's all ok, what I've to do now?

Thank you


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