[Insight-developers] itkMetaDataObject::New

Jim Miller millerjv at gmail.com
Tue Apr 4 12:30:13 EDT 2006

Mathieu and I are tracking down performance issues reading DICOM.  In my
test case of reading 50 images, my test program spends about 25% of its
execution time populating the MetaDataDictionary with DICOM tags.  The
MetaDataDictionary stores MetaDataObjects which are subclasses of
LightObject.  MetaDataObject.h has a standard itkNewMacro() call which
requires searching the list of factories for each instantiation of a

When I change the MetaDataObject to use an itkFactorylessNewMacro(), I
reclaim approximately 20% of the overall process time.

Does anyone have a use case that requires the items stored in a
MetaDataDictionary to use a factor to instantiate a MetaDataObject?

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