[Insight-developers] DeformableModel Simplex meshes

Leila baghdadi baghdadi at sickkids.ca
Thu May 5 17:37:13 EDT 2005

Hi everyone,

I just committed some of my changes ( not all as I am still working on
the other ones)

1. itkDeformableSimplexMesh3DFilter is now back to its original format
note the handling of Beta parameter which created a problem for 
itkDeformableSimplexMesh3DBalloonForceFilter is now fixed

all the additions for line search algorithm in the direction of the
normals at each vertex of the mesh is now in a new class

2. itkDeformableSimplexMesh3DGradientConstraintForceFilter which
implements the computation of external forces,

3. Test case for the above class 

Model Based registration (Global forces) and DeformableModelApplication
of InsightApplication to follow,

questions, concerns

Please e-mail me


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